July 30, 2024

Desjardins GoodSpark Grants Program 2021 for Small Businesses across Canada

Desjardins is giving away $3M in GoodSpark Grants to small businesses
Desjardins GoodSpark Grants Program 2021 for Small Businesses across Canada

Desjardins isoffering Grants of $20,000 to small businesses.

Small businesses can receive a GoodSpark Grant for projects that support sustainable development, employment, and innovation in their local communities.

Desjardins supports small businesses by offering advice, adapted funds and easier access to credit. This winter, small businesses can apply to receive a�GoodSpark Grant of $20,000�from Desjardins.

Grant description

If selected by Desjardins to receive a GoodSpark Grant, the successful applicant will receive:

� 1 of 150 GoodSpark Grants of $20,000 (gross amount)* to be awarded and made payable to small businesses, and;

� Financial consultation services as determined by Desjardins after discussion with the Grant recipient, to be provided by Desjardins agents, advisors or account managers according to the group of services selected by the applicant on their application form (collectively referred to as the "GoodSpark Grant" or the "Grant").

Financial consultation services will consist of 1 face-to-face or virtual meeting with the Grant recipient and any member of the Grant recipient's management team.**

*Recipients of GoodSpark Grants must consult their own tax advisors to determine the taxable nature of the Grants


Small businesses that:

  • Are locally owned and operated
  • Are doing business in at least one of the following provinces: Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Saskatchewan
  • Have a minimum of 1 employee and a maximum of 50 employees
  • Have been registered for at least 1 year (since November 1, 2020, at the latest)
  • Have a project that involves at least 1 of the following issues: sustainable development, employment, innovation

Focus areas

The small business applicant for a GoodSpark Grant must select from the following 3 options when completing the application form to indicate how a Grant, if received, would be used for their small business:

� Innovation � New initiatives to help modernize the business.

� Employment � Investing in employees (that is, employee programs, training, education, diversity, talent acquisition).

� Sustainable Development � Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Desjardins may, at its sole discretion, accept or reject any application.

Selection Criteria

The criteria that will be used in selecting a small business to receive a Grant under the Program include, but are not limited to, the following:

� the extent to which the small business meets all eligibility requirements as set out above; � the degree to which the Grant is deemed to have a compelling impact on the small business; and

� the quality displayed by the applicant in the applicant's written submission in describing the reason(s) why the applicant should receive a Grant and how the Grant will be used. Recipients will be selected based on a review of all applications by an internal Desjardins selection committee.

Application period

The Program application period begins on Monday, November 1, 2021 and ends Monday, November 29, 2021.

All applications must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. (EDT) on Monday, November 29, 2021.

Applications are to be completed by submitting the form found at goodsparkgrants.ca to Desjardins.

For More Information: Visit Desjardins GoodSpark Grants Program

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